Our Midweek Prayer Meeting takes place on Thursday evenings from 7:30 pm — 8:15 pm. The meeting is an online Zoom meeting. If you would like to join us, please send a message to info@hebronstockton.org.uk and someone will send you the necessary codes.
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Pathfinders is a children’s club for Primary school-aged children. It runs every Thursday during term time. We play games, have challenges, quizzes, songs, refreshments and a talk from the Bible. All the leaders of Pathfinders have been DBS checked.
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Pathos is a group of senior school young people meeting on Fridays 6.00 -7.15 pm during term time. Lively games/sports are played with a short time looking at the relevance of the Bible for our lives today. Leaders are DBS checked.
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At Hebron, we run a food bank in conjunction with the Trussel Trust. This runs every Wednesday and Friday from 10 am till 1 pm. Click here for more information.
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A time to praise, a time to learn, a time to relax, and a time to enjoy fellowship. To find out who will be speaking, please download our monthly bulletin from the menu.
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The Morning Service is an informal worship service that includes communion and teaching. On the first Sunday of the month, starting in November 2021, we will meet for communion at 10:30 am and then have a family service at 11:15 am.
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Every Monday at 2:30 pm there is a special meeting for the ladies of the community. There is singing, and a short message often from a visiting speaker. Every summer the Ladies meeting goes on a day trip, and at Christmas, they will share a Christmas meal together.
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Why not come along for a game of indoor Carpet Bowls? No experience is required. All you need is some competitive spirit and to be up for some fun.
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At Hebron, we run a food bank in conjunction with the Trussel Trust. This runs every Wednesday and Friday from 10am til 1pm. Click here for more information.
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Held on the first Thursday every month* at 10:15, Coffee and Chat is just that. A place to come and have a drink, some cake and chat. We usually have a guest speaker talking about their interests, ranging from talks about places around the world to makeup and massages. A brilliant opportunity to meet friends […]
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